Tuesday, May 21, 2019

How the Grinch stole Christmas Poem Essay

How the Grinch stole Christmas is a well-known and important meter in the literary canon. This poem simply talks about how the Grinch plans to interrupt Christmas for the Whos in Who Ville, which then backfires and leads to self-realization for the Grinch. I discrete to use the psychoanalytical theory to demonstrate the persona of the Grinch, and to unravel the possible reasons for his drive towards belligerence and ravaging. To commence, it is perspicuous the Grinch has no interactions with the people of Who Ville, which explains his alienation. His noticeable difference amongst the other Whos was a result to his lack of conformity. His plan to ruin Christmas for the Whos was perhaps an indication of an unconscious desire for his own downfall.Watching the Whos surrounded with happiness brings about the Grinchs decision to inject some trouble into the celebration. He anticipated his own feelings of displeasure and misery onto the Whos when he predicted that they would all cry boo , who upon discovering that they would not be celebrating Christmas. The Grinchs tendency toward cynicism, hostility, and aggression demonstrates his desire for destruction. His desire for destruction stems from the fact that he feels isolated. Thus, he tends to destroy the joy of the people in Who Ville, with the tendency of making them create the same level of depression and misery he is in.The Grinch wanted the Whos merry-making to come to an end, despite their needs and wants. This poem presented psychological theories in the Grinch. The Grinchs thoughts and actions in this poem is a proof of this work being under(a) the psychoanalytic theory. I learned from this poem by analyzing the character is that people with a sensitive good sense of social isolation, appear to hold a decreased response to things that make most people happy, and have a keen urge towards human conflict, manipulation and conspiracies.

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